The International German School Sarajevo (IDSS) is a licensed private educational institution with preschool and primary education programs (grades I to IX), which are based on the German curriculum and modern educational methodologies. Classes are held in German, but also in English and B/S/C languages, and during schooling, students acquire knowledge from different areas, from different subjects: Linguisticliterary-artistic field; Mathematical-scientific-technical field, field of Social Sciences and Sports. Students who complete our school can continue their education in Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina and around the world. Our curriculum is harmonized with the official plan and program which is in use in Sarajevo Canton.
At IDSS we strive to provide all our learners with a balanced, relevant, engaging and differentiated education to ensure the success of all our students. We support the development of independent lifelong learners. Our teachers seek to instil in learners attitudes of confidence and achievement, which when combined with a rigorous
academic curriculum, opportunities for sports and artistic self-expression prepares learners to graduate to the most respected universities in the world.
Our Values of Respect, Excellence, Knowledge and caring, Creativity and Honesty are used, encouraged and modelled throughout the school day. These values develop personal qualities that will influence learners to make a positive difference to the world. The Key Competencies are real life skills that help everyone function effectively within society and to be confident, connected, actively involved learners. They develop personal skills and capabilities that will enable learners to make a positive difference to the world. The Key Competencies are explicitly taught through the learning program and are strengthened and built on through everyday interactions and relationships as well as our behavior expectations.